living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday 28 August 2008 – Visit to GP

I could not wait until September 22 to find out the results of my Colonoscopy and the pains in my stomach and back had become so bad that I really needed to see if I could be prescribed some medication to alleviate the symptoms.
The good news is that the GP does not think that I have anything life threatening or terminal going on in my stomach, the bad news is he is still none the wiser as to what is causing all the pains. He has deferred any decisions on that to the Specialist I will see next month.
I have been prescribed Hyoscine Butylbromide for the stomach pains [Relief of colicky abdominal pain (caused by painful spasms in the muscles of the stomach or bladder regions) including irritable bowel syndrome]

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday 21 August 2008 – Company Doctor and Physio

Once again I was seen by the Company Doctor today who not only signed me unfit for work again but also, more importantly, explained what the limit results she has been fed means and what I can expect to happen next. She is probably the one of the best ever health professionals I have come across. She is thorough and has an excellent ‘bedside’ manner and goes out of her way to explain medical terminology and jargon.

Although I may have colitis this is not the same as Ulcerative colitis. Of the two the former would be the better to have as it may be cured as opposed to managed. The biopsies taken during my colonoscopy will however be tested for, amongst other things, Ulcerative colitis.

After my session with the Doctor I was seen, on her recommendation, by the Physiotherapist who was able to ascertain that the pains I am experiencing in my back are not muscular skeletal, which means it is probably associated with my stomach problems or some other internal mechanism.

I now have to wait for the results of the colonoscopy on September 22 before anyone will proceed with anymore changes in medication of health care. The reason I have to wait for six weeks is because that is how long it will take for all the biopsies to come back, therefore six weeks is the minimum so on that score I count myself lucky.

In the meantime I am still continuing to feel extreme pains in both back and stomach and at times I am unable to function properly as they can be quite debilitating. I had a rough evening once again having to take a bath to ease the pains for a short while.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday 19 August 2008 – Oncology check-up

I had another three monthly check today and after having an Xray and then waiting for 1 ½ hours due to delays I was seen and examined before being sent home with a clean bill of health as far as Oncology is concerned. I do not have to go back now for another six months, phew!

Other pains seem to be getting worse in my stomach, ribs and back and I have an appointment on 22 September with a specialist following my Colonoscopy last week.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday 13 August 2008 – Pain Clinic

Yet again I have been to the pain clinic just to be told the same as I was last Wednesday that nothing could be changed or done with my current medication until after the results of the Colonoscopy. The nurse did intimate that the pains I am feeling in my lower back may be related to problems in the stomach and may go away if treated accordingly, let’s hope so.
I did manage to secure the loan of the TENS machine for a while longer and have used it extensively of late.

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday 11 August 2008 – Colonoscopy

I will start from the day before the diet, Friday.

I had a really bad day and spent at least 8 hours asleep during the day due to pains and feeling unwell. I was running a temperature and not feeling good at all, this the day I was expecting to eat loads pre-diet.

Saturday morning I was up from 03.00am [watched the whole six and a half hours of the men's road race in the Olympics!] The diet for the day of bland foods was not a good one.

Sunday without food was horrible. What was worse was the lack of effect of the first satchet of medication [Picolax] to induce diarrhea when nothing happened. Then at 16.20pm I administered the second satchet, and again nothing happened. Until, 23.30 pm the flood gates opened and then continued throughout the night.
The enema in the morning was ok, but neither of these treatments was very successful as on the report from the Hospital it says ‘Bowel preparation with two satchets of Picolax phosphate enema poor’ and this a result of me following the directions to the letter.

The Colonoscopy.
I was able to watch the whole thing on the screen. I could see where they were taking bits away with a grabber. They did a Polypectomy and ten Biopsies, the results of which I have to wait 6-8 weeks for [or so they say]
The report also mentions erythema [I think this is red, inflamed type patches] and ‘colonic polyps and colitis/ ileitis’
The camera itself did not have an easy journey through the stomach as it was very sticky inside there, apparently, so I could feel it and the nurse had to assert pressure from the outside against the camera as it was pushed. More sedative added at that point, lol

My laymans opinion?
[for what it is worth.]
I reckon if I have colitis this can be treated, the polyps are probably nothing as they are common amongst men when they get older and are taken away as a matter of routine, the erythema I also believe may be caused by the medication I have been on for the back pains and/or the stomach problems.

So, there you have it, as clear as mud eh?

I have an appointment this coming Wednesday at the Pain Clinic to see the nurse who I assume will be able to either increase the loan on the TENS machine or at least let me purchase one through the hospital. I am not expecting my medication to change without the results of the procedure above, so the only other thing they may suggest is acupuncture, which would probably not be very effective as the pains seem to move from one day to the next.

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Friday 1 August 2008 – Here we go again

Another hospital visit within three days and they had lost my records; that is they were not where they were supposed to be when I arrived. They were soon found, and subsequently sat upon until I reminded them the Colorectal Nurse was waiting for them [She is far from rectal, quite nice actually. She is the same nurse who did my Endoscopy back in November of last year].

I am now to have a Colonoscopy on the 11 August. [Having already had a finger shoved up me rear end for the second time in a week – for medical examination purposes].

I have quite a rigid routine to follow on the lead up to the procedure which involves sticking to a strict diet two days prior, drinking only fluids the day before followed by a pre-Op enema, Yippie I cannot wait!

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