living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Friday, April 06, 2007

One year on...

Today was unbelievably sunny; what a wonderful day.
It was one year ago today that I had a tumour and part of my right lung removed by surgery at hospital in Coventry. The old hospital is no longer there and neither is the tumour; obviously I am, Ha!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

3 Monthly - Tuesday 03 April 2007

These sessions do not get any easier, in fact they get decidedly worse as times goes on; it is the build up to the day that is hard to cope with because you just want to be given the OK yet there is always the nagging doubt, despite an outward confidence, that something may show up.
Having said that I can report that once again I have sailed through the check-up and after the necessary chest X-Ray and a thorough examination by Andrea, whom I have previously come across before at the hospital [naturally attractive], I have been given the all-clear for another three months.
Fortunately I do not appear to have to wait around too long in queues at the hospital, of which there are several. I think they must take one look at the thickness of my files and let me jump ahead of everyone else on the grounds that I must have spent hours in waiting rooms over the years.
Although the news was good I felt more than a little disappointed that I did not get a better reaction at home, I have seen more excitement over a new dress than my good news.
I guess people just expect me to get through without any worries, if only it were that easy!
I count myself very lucky indeed.
Thanks to all concerned at the ROH in Birmingham, UK
It will be one year ago this Friday that I had the tumour removed.