living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Monday, October 29, 2007

An ill wind

This blog was to be about my experiences living through Cancer, and if it helped others then I would’ve been delighted, I never expected to be reporting about my on going problems with stomach bacteria which are proving to be a more than a little stubborn. The last course of treatment had an adverse effect, or side effect as the jargon goes, on me. Instead of making the pains disappear then intensified and resulted in yet another trip to the Doctors today and a series of tablets to rid me of a bout of ‘belching’ developed four days ago, BURP! Pardon me.
Thankfully those severe pains have now subsided a little and I will have to wait once again to see if it has gone away.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It did not go away [H Pylori]

It has been some weeks since I finished the course of tablets to ‘cure’ me of H Pylori, unfortunately they did not work and despite having to wait a week to have it confirmed from more blood tests the pains in my stomach told me it had not gone away. I then had to wait a further week to see my Doctor who was on holiday, an interim visit to see another Doctor resulted in me receiving some more acid suppressants to tide me over.
I have now seen my own Doctor who has prescribed another course of treatment, and not before time either. I am experiencing more pain and discomfort than ever before and it is beginning to get me down, I am hoping this latest prescription works and that I don’t have to go back for me tests. I did experience two days after the last course treatment of what it feels like to be normal again; I want to be there again soon.