living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday 21 August 2008 – Company Doctor and Physio

Once again I was seen by the Company Doctor today who not only signed me unfit for work again but also, more importantly, explained what the limit results she has been fed means and what I can expect to happen next. She is probably the one of the best ever health professionals I have come across. She is thorough and has an excellent ‘bedside’ manner and goes out of her way to explain medical terminology and jargon.

Although I may have colitis this is not the same as Ulcerative colitis. Of the two the former would be the better to have as it may be cured as opposed to managed. The biopsies taken during my colonoscopy will however be tested for, amongst other things, Ulcerative colitis.

After my session with the Doctor I was seen, on her recommendation, by the Physiotherapist who was able to ascertain that the pains I am experiencing in my back are not muscular skeletal, which means it is probably associated with my stomach problems or some other internal mechanism.

I now have to wait for the results of the colonoscopy on September 22 before anyone will proceed with anymore changes in medication of health care. The reason I have to wait for six weeks is because that is how long it will take for all the biopsies to come back, therefore six weeks is the minimum so on that score I count myself lucky.

In the meantime I am still continuing to feel extreme pains in both back and stomach and at times I am unable to function properly as they can be quite debilitating. I had a rough evening once again having to take a bath to ease the pains for a short while.

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