living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Tuesday 07 October 2008 – CT Scan follow up, company Dr appointmet

We had spent the weekend worrying about the outcome of the CT scan and were expecting the worse, the only thing we were not sure of was just how bad the ‘worse’ was going to be. It was a very emotional morning on Monday when we dropped our 3 ½ year old off at her Grandma’s whilst we went to the hospital for the CT result.
When we were finally called into the consultant’s room we were told there was a blockage, which we already knew, however they could now pin-point it to being in the Pancreas, which is part of the duodenum. They could not, or were reluctant, at this point to commit to it being of a cancerous nature. My case will now be referred and assessed by the duodenum team this coming Wednesday, but we have to told to still expect the worse and anything less than a tumour would be a bonus!
So in reality we are no farther forward in knowing what it is that has caused the Jaundice, whether or not it is related to all the on-going problems I have been having over the last year or to what extent the treatment will eventually take?

We also had an appointment with the Company Doctor who once again was very supportive at our time of need and has arranged for my manager and a member of the HR team to make a home visit, the first since I have been off work in almost twelve months. My sick pay is due to finish toward the end of this month and soon, depending on the nature my current illness, we will be left with no decision other than to rely on the state to provide for us. We are hoping that until we know what the is causing the blockage is then the company my consider extending my sick pay a little longer so we can make the right decisions financially to assist us through this period.

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