living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Wednesday 5 April - Hair today

The chest shaving episode was another fine example of a Woman’s’ inability to differentiate between their, or my, left from right. The Auxiliary nurse given the task of shaving me knew she had to shave the right-hand side of my chest and part of my back, obviously also on my right side.
As she stood facing me as I lay upon the bed she was totally flummoxed as to which side was left and which was right: she turned her back to me and raised her right arm and tried to relate this action to how I was positioned upon the bed. It was no good, she still could not tell which was the right-hand side: I put her out of her misery and pointed to the side she should be shaving.
My daughter had suggested she shave off all of my chest hair. this would ensure the correct side was exposed and that my chest would look aesthetically correct. My partner wanted to know if she could do shave the hairs from my ears whilst she has got the shaver out.
Why do we get hairier as we get older? I am obviously talking about men, especially in the ear department.

Saying goodbye to everyone after visiting time was particularly difficult this evening: again I felt myself welling up inside. As I watched them alight from the front of the building onto the pavement below my window they frantically searched the bank of windows before them for me. I resorted to waving out of the window, as did countless of other patients, until they spotted me. I suddenly realised how hard it must be for prisoners to wave goodbye to loved ones and sweethearts.
I had more questions to answer from one of the Staff Nurses: I am sure I had already been asked these questions at least twice during the day. I am issued with a body was and a nasal cream to stave off MRSA.