living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wednesday 21 November - Gastroscopy

I have always dreaded having a camera fed down my throat into the Gullet and was not looking forward to this one at all. What can I say? I am glad that one is over and I do not want to repeat that in a hurry. Despite the numbing of the throat area and the mild sedative I was given the actual swallowing of the tube was gaggingly horrendous. Mind you, the team who performed the task were once again absolutely superb, I have a lot to be grateful to the NHS for and having fantastic staff locally is one of them.
The results in full will now be assessed and forwarded to my GP, but I have been informed I have a Hiatus Hernia. How or when it will be treated is something I will have to discuss with my GP when the results are through. One more test tomorrow, but this one promises to be a walk in the park.