living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Now I need to lose weight

Nothing to report currently, apart from the fact that I am now 2 stone or more overweight, mainly as a result of giving up smoking cigars and discovering cooking as a hobby; which could be fatal! Today, whilst out walking at lunchtime from work, I decided to run 100 metres up a slight incline along a country path. I have to admit to being completely winded by the exertions, I desperately need to lose that weight. I will be making more of an effort to exercise from now on.

If you are passing by this blog because you are going through a cancer experience yourself then I wish you luck and a speedy recovery and hope that reading a part of this may help in some small way.