living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Monday 27 February 2006

I was on a three-day training course at work and had to leave during the morning session of the first day to attend the appointment at the Hospital. I arrived in plenty of time, not knowing what the rest of the morning had in store form me.
I had gone prepared. A book to read and music on the MP3 player I had purchased over a year ago and had never used until now.

Reception ‘A’ – I gave my name and sat waiting to see the Doctor.
I did not have to wait long.
‘Come this way please – take a seat’, another waiting room.
The wait here was even shorter. The Doctor asked me why I thought I had been sent for. I explained about the shadow on the X-Ray, which was hanging in the light box above his desk. We talked of my previous medical History, he had never heard of MFH, the previous Cancer I had treated in 1992. I made a mental note to look it up on the internet – I thought I’d had Osteosarcoma so I need to know too.
I stripped in another room, was examined and duly sent for another X-Ray.

The wait in X-Ray was a little longer but not too bad as I had my book and music.
Back to the Doctor with X-Ray in hand I waited to be seen again.

Now both X-Rays were hanging from the light box; both showing the iniquitous, identical shadow. It had not got any bigger, but then again it had not diminished either.
Was I losing weight? I was asked. I had been trying to lose a few pounds, successfully until now, but decided once I was out of here I would try to see if I could put some back on.

It was explained I needed some blood tests, here was the form; an ECG, here was the form and a respiratory test, again with the relevant form. And by-the-way, you will have to have an Endoscopy, but not today the Nurse will tell you all about it.
I waited in the corridor for the Nurse wanting her to tell me the Endoscopy would not be as bad as I feared.

The Nurse kindly bought me up to speed: The routine checks could be done today but the Endoscopy would need an appointment.
I may or may not remember anything after the procedure, I will be sedated but conscious; a needle will be inserted into my throat that will make me cough; a camera will be passed up my nose and down into the area of the lungs, Nice!

Oh, and you will need a CT [Computed Tomography] scan, this Friday 14.30.

I decided to get the blood test done tomorrow morning when it would be less busy, but left the other two for another day; my reappointment at the hospital had been set for March 20th so all the results should be in by then.
I returned to work.