living with cancer

This is the one diary I should have kept 14 years ago and one I wish I did not feel the need to keep now. I was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1992 and survived. 2006 and I now have another tumor under investigation: the journey begins again..

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Friday 24 March 2006

And so to work: I can now tell those I wish to know.
Two good friends, both managers, who are shocked and disappointed, and a colleague who believes I shall overcome because of my positive attitude.

Now bring it on.

14.00 Received call from Tracey Hair – unable to make appointment with PET scan hospital due to problems their end. Promises to try again on Monday and wishes me well.

16.00 Receive call from PET Hospital – A lady in her best British Broadcasting voice informs me I have and appointment for next Friday 31 March @ 16.00 for my Scan. She explains that my Scan is being pushed through due to the urgency put on it by my local hospital – they are really batting for me on this one bless them. The scan will last 1 ½ hours from start to finish, this includes the injection of a Radioactive material that will show up hot-spots during the scan. The scan itself should only last approximately 30 minutes. I will not be able to ‘hug’ my daughter for some hours afterwards, and must keep others at ‘arms’ length for at least 5 hours.

There is a similarity between me and Homer Simpson there.

My daughter, home from school, felt up to asking me questions about the phone calls above: that is good after her initial shocked reaction from last nights revelation.

16.17 I leave a phone message for either Tracey with the news of the Scan appointment.

16.47 Receive call from Tracey Vein – she appears pleased and relieved that I have been given an appointment for next week. She will inform the Doctors secretary so a possible slot for my operation can be pencilled in. She will chase the results up next after the scan.

20.00 Receive call from my Brother-in-law – he has booked a holiday from work next week to drive me to Middlesex for the Scan and will not take No for an answer.
[I think my Sister has put him up to it because she wants to see if he will glow in the dark after sharing a car with me]

My partner, who would not have been able to take me due to my toxicity, is somewhat relieved that I will not be travelling unaccompanied.